Farky's Media Blog

Monday, June 04, 2007

Journal Entry question for EVERYONE!
There has been quite a bit of hype surrounding the new Ninetendo Wii gaming system. Some say that the Wii's ability to "democratize" gaming for people of all ages and abilities is revolutionary. Do you think this is a true technological revolution or just hype? Please defend your opinion.

I believe that the new Wii system by nintendo is not new technology and is pure hype. They have been able to do these sorts of things since the game "duck Hunt" they just made it a different game. because of this i find that the Wii system is a huge waste of money and time trying learn a new system.

Journal Entry Question #6 for Grade 11 Media Arts/Comm TechThe web can be considered the largest art space with the most potential to create new forms of expression. Many new media artists are exploring the possibilities of this new environment to not only share their work, but use elements such as hypertext, time, sound, and interactivity in their art. Review the different Web art projects on the following site.

What do you like/dislike about the project?

What i like about this project is that it makes you feel like a famous event is happening with many celebrities. It gives you a sence that something big is happening, or about to happen, and makes you want to join in on the festivities. what i dislike about this peice is that it keeps you wondering about if this event is real or not. I find this quite distracting when you are trying to focus on units and cant help but wonder what is happening in the world.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Grade 11 & 12 Media Arts & Comm Tech Journal Entry Question #5

Grade 11 & 12 Media Arts & Comm Tech Journal Entry Question #5
Some animation purists say that computer animation, like that of Pixar, is cold and too rendered. Some modern animators believe that hand animation is dead because it is too time-consuming and labour-intensive. Compare and contrast traditional hand animation to computer animation using examples that you are familiar with. What do you prefer and why?

Monsters Inc. Was pixars first hit movie to be out in theatres. It came out in 2001 over 5 years ago. The graphics design in the bigger giant monster "Sulley" was amazing in the Hair detail where each individual hair moved on its own, or what seemed like it. To create this by hand animation would take years upon years worth of work just for a few seconds worth of footage. I prefer the computer animation over the hand animation. I just like the looks of it better, maybe its the fact that ive grown up in a technology filled environment but it looks better, smoother, and is more entertaining.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Journal Entry Question #3, Gr. 11 & 12 Media Arts & Comm Tech

In unit 2, we've begun to explore the concept of "hybridity". The meaning of "hybridity" has changed a lot within the last decade. It is a term which originated from the field of biology referring to the breeding of two similar species. In media arts, hybridity or hybridization is the degree to which a technique or process is a product of two or more techniques or processes. Hybridity is a predominate theme in our "postmodern era" (remember seminar #1?) in which we experience an intermingling of influences, styles, and techniques in all the media we create and consume. For example, OutKast is not just a hip hop group, since it is a vibrant mix of R&B, rock, spoken word, electronica, funk, jazz, blues, poetry, and etc. Such hybrid mashups are not only seen in the music world, but in all dimensions of our contemporary lives. Just look in your backpacks. How many of you have cell phone-MP3-blender-foot massager-digital cameras? ;) For this journal entry, discuss how you experience hybridity in your daily lives.

I expereince hybridity every day in my life. I shall start from the moment i wake up. When i wake up, if i do that day, i mix milk and coffee and sugar in a cup, creating a hybrid by mixing different things together to create one thing, that tastes amazing and wakes me up. I get into a car to be driven to school. The car itself is also a hybrid because of the fact that it uses both electricity and gasoline to run. When i get to school i create a hybrid with my school uniform, usually mixing a jacket with my regular uniform to create an "out of uniform student" who always ends up being told to change. At lunch i usualy mix my food, having lets say frys with a burger. Being the weirdo i am, i put my fries in my burger and eat it like that. By the end of the day, i end up in the same car going home, having yet another coffee. and that concludes my day.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Journal Questions for Grade 11/12 Media Arts and Comm Tech.

1. In the introductory seminar, we looked at cat's and Zurr's BioArt, like their "Victimless Meat". What are some 1. In the introductory seminar, we looked at Catts and Zurr's board, like their "Victimless Meat". What are some ethical and moral concerns of this work that you can think of? What do you think about biotechnology as art?

I think the ethical and moral concerns of the work is that people may think that it is wrong to mess around with animals parts. From a religious point of view it may seem unethical to manipulate gods creations. I think that biotechnology as an art, is neat because you express an understanding of what your doing to a specimen and you portray it with an idea behind it.